Studio: 618-457-3691 • Office: 618-529-5900 • 224 N. Washington St. Carbondale IL 62901

Jonny Gray

At WDBX since January 2013
DJ on Isn’t It Queer

I love being a part of the WDBX family. I like being part of something that is truly made for and by the community. I also like co-hosting a show that was started by others in the community and (I hope) will be passed on to others when I can no longer do it.

When I’m not puttering about with sound equipment and software, I enjoy being a Communication Studies professor at SIU where I teach courses in rhetoric and performance studies and specialize in environmental communication. I split my time pretty evenly between LGBTQ and environmental advocacy. I am particularly interested in sparking people’s aesthetic creativity to address the many challenges that face us, and exploring those beautifully queer spaces where art and science meet.

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