Studio: 618-457-3691 • Office: 618-529-5900 • 224 N. Washington St. Carbondale IL 62901


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Date(s) - 10/11/2024 - 11/01/2024
12:00 am


The City of Carbondale wants to hear from you! Residents are encouraged to share input and ideas with
the City for future projects and improvements.
Every fall, the City of Carbondale solicits input and ideas from Community Members for projects and
improvements that could enhance neighborhoods and the community. This input is an important part of
the City’s budgeting process and aids in the development of the City’s Five-Year Community Investment
Program (CIP). The Five-Year CIP is the budget document that outlines the City’s construction projects for
the next five years; typical projects that are included in the CIP are infrastructure-related projects such as
streets, sidewalks, storm sewers, bicycle, and pedestrian facilities, traffic signals, drainage improvements,
public buildings, parking lots, sanitary sewers, water mains, and waste treatment or waste water
treatment plant improvements.
The Five-Year CIP does not include maintenance-related items such as potholes, street resurfacing, signs,
pavement markings, traffic signal concerns, tree trimming and ditch maintenance. These concerns can be
reported to the City’s Public Works Department by calling the Maintenance and Environmental Services
(MES) Office at (618) 457-3275.
Staff in the City’s Engineering Division will review all project suggestions and formulate recommendations
for each suggestion. Recommendations will then be reviewed by City Council in November and decisions
will be made on which projects should be included in the FY 2026 Five-Year CIP. In January, during the
City’s budget preparation process, City staff will prioritize and match proposed projects with available
funds. After this process is complete, the draft Five-Year CIP will be presented to City Council for
consideration in early spring.
If you would like to suggest an infrastructure project for consideration and inclusion within the Five-Year
CIP, please fill out this form at the link here
. The deadline for proposed projects is Friday, November 1, 5:00 PM.
For more information contact Carbondale’s Public Relations at 618-713-0711.
“Carbondale prides itself on providing its visitors, students, businesses and residents with a unique mix of edge and ease.
It’s a cultural town, yet free of pretense, embracing the great outdoors as readily as urban sophistication. Here, we are
open to new ideas, experiences and cultures, so you are encouraged to both express yourself and be yourself, in all ways.
That’s Carbondale…All Ways Open… for family, fun, business, new ideas and a bright tomorrow.”

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