Learning in Retirement: “Mark Vukovich to speak on Wildlife Monitoring in the Shawnee National Forest\”
Date(s) - 02/19/2025
10:30 am - 12:30 pm
Epiphany Lutheran Church
Mark Vukovich to speak on Wildlife Monitoring in the Shawnee National Forest
Mark Vukovich, USDA-Forest Service, will be the featured speaker at the February 19 meeting of Southern Illinois Learning in Retirement (SILIR).
A lot goes on in the Shawnee National Forest! Mark’s presentation will discuss how wildlife is surveyed in the Forest, why such monitoring is important, and how it informs the management of natural resources. These surveys help us understand habitat changes and trends over time and how wildlife is impacted by them. With thousands of acres to watch over and manage, federal biologists are eager to engage citizens to participate in community science.
Mark has worked for 20 years with the USDA-Forest Service on a variety of game and non-game wildlife projects. He enjoys learning new techniques and methods in wildlife surveys. Highly enthusiastic about his work, Mark has authored more than 25 scientific publications.
The meeting, free and open to the public, will begin at 10:30 am at Epiphany Lut