City of Carbondale Spring Cleanup
Date(s) - 07/10/2020 - 07/31/2020
6:30 am - 4:00 pm
After being postponed amid the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Carbondale announces the annual Residential Spring Clean-Up Program will begin July 10th, 2020. This program serves single-family dwellings up to and including 4-unit buildings. The Spring Cleanup Program allows residents to dispose of household items and general rubbish generated from the dwelling being served.
To participate in this program, place your household rubbish at the curbside no earlier than five (5) days prior to your collection day and no later than 8:00 a.m. on your collection day (please note that items set at the curbside for collection after 8:00 a.m. on the listed collection day will not be collected). Household items will be collected from the curbside on Fridays, based on the following schedule:
Monday’s City Refuse Collection Route – Friday, July 10th
All residences east of the Canadian National (CN) railroad tracks.
Tuesday’s City Refuse Collection Route – Friday, July 17th
All residences located east of Little Crab Orchard Creek and west of South Oakland Avenue and all residents south of West Main St. up to and including Chautauqua Street (excluding residences along South Oakland Ave.)
Wednesday’s City Refuse Collection Route – Friday, July 24th
All residences located west of the CN railroad tracks, from South Oakland Avenue east and from West Main Street south. And all residences from West Main Street north and North Oakland Avenue east, up to and including West Sycamore Street as well as residences on North Baine Drive; All residents west of the CNRR tracks, east of Little Crab Orchard Creek and south of West Chautauqua Street (excluding residences on Chautauqua St.)
Thursday’s City Refuse Collection Route – Friday, July 31st
All residences west of the CN railroad tracks, north of West Sycamore Street (excluding residences located along West Sycamore St. and North Baine Dr.) and all residences west of Little Crab Orchard Creek.
The following items will NOT be collected as a part of this program:
Electronics such as computers and computer accessories; televisions and TV accessories; MP3 and IPOD players.
Tires, appliances, or yard waste – these items can be disposed of by the City’s Landscape & Special Waste Sticker Program.
Hazardous materials including paint, oil, gasoline, car batteries, pesticides, and other chemicals. Note that many of these items may be disposed of through a Household Chemical Collection Event by the Jackson County Health Department. For more information, check the Jackson County Health Department’s website at
Contractor’s remodeling or construction debris – residents or contractors must dispose of these items using private haulers.
Please be sure not to block sidewalks, streets, ditches or drainage ways with your items. Also placing items and/or allowing items to remain at the curbside earlier than 5 days prior to or after 8:00 a.m. on your scheduled collection day is a violation of City Code and may subject you to a citation.
If you have any questions, please contact the Maintenance and Environmental Services Office at (618)457-3275.